Garlands Corporate have many years of experience in delivering three key instruments; MBTI® Step I™, Belbin Team Roles and SDI. Our tailored programmes are designed to help individuals understand their role in a team and assist managers in understanding team dynamics and how to improve team performance.


The elegantly simple, yet powerfully perceptive framework of MBTI® Step I can provide the basis for a life-long personal developmental journey, as well as underpinning enhanced organisational effectiveness.

We have a number of example programmes that can include the MBTI® Instrument, such as Improving Team Performance, Systematic Problem Solving and Understanding Conflict.

Further information on how Garlands Corporate can use MBTI® Step I™ can be found here.

Please visit the Myers-Briggs website for further information about MBTI® Step I™
A team should be put together for a specific purpose. Each team member should be chosen to ensure that the correct balance of skill and behaviour is achieved.

Dr. Meredith Belbin identified nine team roles that needed to be fulfilled for a team to be effective, with each team role being defined as:

“A tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way.”

This doesn’t mean that you need nine individuals, each with one strong Team Role in each team. Each of us can play two or three Team Roles well, and should learn to adapt our behaviour to the needs of the of team’s objective.

Each delegate will be required to complete an online questionnaire, together with six ‘observer’ colleagues. This will generate a report that identifies individual preferred profiles, the strengths associated with them and allowable weaknesses. Team reports give an overview of the team, team contribution, individual contribution to the team and overall observer responses. This is useful for the team in understanding interactions and potential issues when working on projects.

Improving Team Performance using Belbin Team Roles is an example programme of how the Belbin questionnaire can be used to support team development programmes.

Please visit the Belbin website for further information on Belbin Team Roles.


The Strength Deployment Inventory® (SDI®) is a powerful and highly memorable self-assessment tool that helps people understand what gives them a sense of self-worth and what’s important to them when relating with others.

Based on Relationship Awareness® Theory, the Strength Deployment Inventory is a validated self-assessment tool that enables people to discover how their motivations change between when things are going well and when they come into conflict or opposition. It always stimulates positive discussion and creates a common language for teams as they explore the:

  • Insights people gain
  • Acceptance it encourages
  • Conversations it informs
  • Trust it increases

Conflict it decreases.
Further information on how Garlands Corporate would use SDI can be found here »

Call Garlands Corporate for further information on these personality profiling tools and how we utilise them on 01827 722201

"Great venue that we have used many times"

Belbin Team

Improving team performance
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Strength Deployment

SDI is an incredible tool that really helps pull teams together
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Step 1

Proven effectiveness and track record
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"Your team were fantastic in not only facilitating the activities but looking after us on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year! "