An inspiring team day designed to challenge all aspects of teamworking that also helps the honey bee population!

Flying tirelessly from one flower to the next, a colony of 60,000 bees each working selflessly for the benefit of the hive is one great analogy for how an ideal business should run.

With the decline of certain honeybee populations in parts of the world including the UK, Garlands has designed a team day that focuses on teamwork, leadership, working to a common goal and understanding individual behaviours. ‘Plan Bee’ not only gets corporate teams ‘buzzing’, but helps restore the local bee population.

The ‘Plan Bee’ challenge also incorporates a wide range of individual and team skills including budgeting, presenting, target setting, risk and time management. The starting point with Plan Bee is to see the team as a colony that has to work together, with the overall objective being to maximise the population of bees in each team’s hive. Each team achieves this by completeing tasks that mirror different aspects of a bees life; foraging, housekeeping and securing resources.

As well as corporate social responsibility, many companies are focusing on environmental responsibility; looking at ways to minimise the impact on the environment.

The ‘Plan Bee’ team challenge can have a huge environmental pay-off that appeals to many participants, with the option of adding the cost of a real beehive to the overall event fee. Mythe Farm can either keep and maintain the hive or you can take it to a site of your choosing. If you choose to keep your hive at Mythe Farm, it will be managed on-site with it’s own blog that keep the team updated with any hive activity and we’ll send you some honey!

This inspirational team challenge will improve both the dynamics and environmental awareness within your team. With the small additional cost for a hive, it’s also a great way to add to your company’s environmental responsibility and help revive the local bee population.

Call our Events Team on 01827 722201 to discuss your requirements in more detail.

"The day was a great success!"

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