Your business operation may be changing due to market expansion, be part of a merger or acquisition, or simply have a new corporate vision that needs cascading and sharing throughout the business.

Peter Senge’s model of the five learning disciplines includes having a shared vision and states ‘Taking time early in the change process to have the conversations needed to shape a truly shared vision is crucial to build common understandings and commitments, unleash people’s aspirations and hopes and unearth reservations and resistances.’

There is nothing as certain as change for today’s businesses and managing change is key to your success. At Garlands we can help you develop and define your vision at all levels, whether for your executive or the creation of a new project team.

Our experienced business consultants, facilitators and trainers can help make your transition as smooth as possible by assisting in the process of designing and delivering your management development programme, leadership conference or team intervention.

We have a number of tried and tested programmes that Garlands have delivered for clients that meet specific needs for managing change and developing teams, including:

  • Developing a Vision – a tried and tested full day intervention for up to 12 delegates.
  • Merging Teams – when teams merge, often their purpose and values need re-aligning.

Call us now on 01827 722201 to discuss in more detail your requirements and scope of the project.

"Your team were fantastic in not only facilitating the activities but looking after us on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year! "

"We called the day 'Ignite' & Garlands played a big part in helping us achieve that."

A Vision

Our tried and tested one day programme
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Your business operation may be changing
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