Develop a high performance culture within your team and cohesive ways of working that focus on purpose and strengths using the MBTI® Instrument.

This intervention would be appropriate for:

  • Teams of between 6 and 12 delegates
  • A new team embarking on the delivery of a new project
  • A new team created from the merge of other teams
  • An existing team embarking on the delivery of a new business plan or action
  • Inclusion as part of a change management programme

The content of the intervention focuses on where the team are currently and what they need in going forward. More specifically to:

  • Identify team purpose, creating a vision of what they need to deliver
  • Improve team performance by agreeing goals, direction and short term actions
  • Agree success criteria for deliverables
  • Improve communication throughout the team by having a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and utilising them

As part of the process, the team will identify a purpose that meets the wider business needs and objectives. On an individual level, responsibility for decisions and actions to be taken will also be identified.

Your key objectives for such an intervention might include, but not restricted to, the following:

  • Identify team purpose – what we can do and what we have achieved this year
  • Team action plan to deliver our agreed purpose
  • Find ways we can work together effectively – work to our strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify team and individual behaviours necessary to work effectively
  • Take responsibility for the decisions and actions to develop the agreed plan

Generic thinking:

In designing the programme, we have focused on the two key issues; specifically team purpose and team performance. The team will work towards having an action plan for delivering an agreed vision.

Call us now on 01827 722201 to discuss in more detail your requirements.

Understanding Conflict
Using MBTI

An engaging, multi-team business simulation that includes MBTI® Step I.
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Systematic Problem Solving with MBTI

An intervention that is thought provoking, stimulating, engaging and beneficial at all decision-making levels.
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Belbin Team

Improving team performance
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Step 1

Proven effectiveness and track record
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