Long term learning benefit and incredible business rewards from these exceptional team challenges. We have years of experience in linking CSR projects to training needs for business growth and aligning them to a CSR business objective.

Garlands Corporate has the expertise to help local businesses link training programmes into their community and social responsibility (CSR) by creating a new initiative.

Garlands Corporate can provide this exceptional service to our clients, and we call them ‘CSR real projects’. We have the business experts who can align training and business development needs to a company’s CSR programme, with this new initiative becoming the ‘CSR real project’. Participants engage in a life changing experience that has real long term learning benefits and great publicity for the business.

So what are the real benefits of real projects?

As with any development programme, training objectives and outcomes are set, and met as part of the process, including theory based input sessions to support understanding and knowledge.

Experiential learning, the process of learning through doing (Kolb et al), has been used to great effect for training and team development within business for many years. The concept of providing an experience for the participant on a programme to get a deeper understanding of theories and embed learning is not new, and many of our leadership and team development programmes utilise outdoor experiences and indoor team challenges to great effect.

Real projects strongly link training need and experiential learning to a project, having a profound impact on the participants own development, and often a life changing experience for many.

This project experience has a real outcome for the third party, thereby getting emotional buy in from participants to deliver. When designed well and linked to the right project, the training outcomes are long lasting, as the learning becomes more embedded at a psychological and emotional level. More importantly, a real project can link into a company’s CSR initiatives, by providing strong links direct into the community.

This initiative can be used to publicise the company’s CSR in a clear and defined way. The completion of the project provides an opportunity for some great publicity for companies, whether as part of the project or aligned to other CSR initiatives.

Examples of real projects that previous clients have linked to include:

  • Designing and delivering within 24 hours a charity fundraising event.
  • Putting on a circus performance for local school children within 48 hours.
  • Designing and creating a sensory garden for a local school over a two week period.
  • Designing and building a primary school in the third world over a fortnight.
  • Supporting and helping local community and charitable organisations deliver events.
  • Seconding skills and experience to a charity for a specific purpose.

In reality, the training outcomes for the programme are the drivers for delivering change within any business transition. These still need to be met in terms of learning and development objectives, rather than CSR initiatives providing the opportunity for training. These outcomes will form the rationale and generic logic to any programme content, with the real project experience providing the medium to engage the audience and take them to a new level of understanding of the subject matter, embedding change and learning for longer; because of the experience.

Our experienced business consultants, facilitators and trainers can help make your transition as smooth as possible by assisting in the process of designing and delivering your development programme, and, where appropriate, combining it with a real project.

An example CSR Real Project video can be seen here.

In our experience, discussing and talking about your project need is the most effective way to start the process of designing something unique, bespoke and truly memorable.

Call us now on 01827 722201 to discuss in more detail your requirements and scope of the project.

We also have a number of similar tried and tested programmes that Garlands have delivered for clients that meet specific needs for managing change and developing teams, including:

Developing a Vision – a tried and tested full day intervention for up to 12 delegates.
Merging Teams – when teams merge, often their purpose and values need re-aligning.

"I cannot tell you how much of a positive experience this has been for the team"

A Vision

Our tried and tested one day programme.
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