Graphic Capture

How does graphic capture add value to a meeting or conference?

Garlands Corporate was asked to support the design team of a conference that would launch a new global leadership team. Much of the focus was about aligning processes and people to a high performance culture, sharing and discussing some new ways of working. It was about emphasising the beliefs and values the team have that support synchronous working, engaging everyone in the process to take this forward to inspire the wider team.
We introduced a number of ideas for the content of the day including Graphic Facilitation. This technique captures many of the overall themes, conversations and actions throughout the day on the main conference capture board which was digitally transformed to be used as part of the cascading process.


An expert graphic capture artist coached some of the senior management team the day before the conference in the process of graphic capture. These key people then took the lead on a session at the start of the conference, supported by Garlands Corporate facilitators. This session was all about engaging everyone in conversations and dialogue around the culture of the new team and what this meant to them, providing them with a visual mind-map to refer to in a plenary session, creating a storyboard to share with the wider audience as part of the development process.

Graphic facilitation is a great way to add value to the conference process, providing a visual that promotes understanding, clarity of outcomes and an imagery that can be used going forward.

If you have a conference or meeting that could benefit from graphic capture and facilitation, why not give our event team a call on 01827 722201 to discuss your requirements.